Whose Call Is It?

Published on December 2, 2001

Recently I stopped into a cellular store to inquire about a new hands free-system for the car. The salesperson is paid on commission. After checking to see if the item is in stock, the salesperson informed me it wasn’t and suggested I call back in a few days to see if it is in.

Do you really think I am going to take the responsibility and time to call her back? As a customer, it is easier to go into another store, get the item and be done with it. If the salesperson in the first store really wanted the commission, why didn’t she take it upon herself to call me when the item comes in and close the deal?

Here’s another one. I recently visited 5 luxury car dealers. Why hasn’t one salesperson (they all took my phone number) called me back to follow-up and try to gain my business?

Come on people! The market for most industries is not as robust as it was a few months ago. You already invested your time in the initial visit. Don’t you want to try and capitalize on your investment with a sale?

Don’t give away control of your destiny. Take the responsibility and follow-up with your customers and prospects. For current customers, it’s crucial to insure retention of their business and selling add-on products and services. For prospects, it’s crucial just to get the relationship going.

You want the business? Go Get it! Don’t wait for your customers to come to you. Otherwise, your competition and/or the Internet will serve them just fine!

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