Finding Alternative Revenue Sources
Published on June 2, 2002
If there is one group of professionals that are having a bad time these days, it is stock brokers. What do they sell in a down market? Just ask Harry Rudowitz, Sr. VP of Investments for the UBS/Paine Webber Private Client Group. He just sent me a letter describing how bonds (fixed income securities) are a great alternative to avoiding the massive risk all of us are facing today.
As a leader, it is your job to help others unleash their creativity and figure out ways on how to succeed in difficult times. A leader has the responsibility to create an environment that fosters a positive attitude free of negative thoughts. For example, it is really debilitating to have conversations around why one is not performing at optimal levels. This is an event that forces people to circle the wagons and defend themselves.
The conversation really should be around where do we want to be, where are we now and what do we have to do to get to our desired destination? Now you are freeing up everyone’s energy from being spent on defending themselves to being open to thinking outside the box and coming up with solutions.
Your customers and all of the people who depend on you need your leadership in these tough times. Harry Rudowitz clearly understands this and is providing his clients with effective leadership
Posted in Leadership