All it takes is 3 Cents!!!!
Published on August 2, 2002
A Titan Sales Executive knows that in order to succeed, you need a good resource proclamation—- a statement to start your sales call with and define the outcomes a customer will realize from using your products and services.
Gary Stewart and his wife Denise are Titan real estate agents who provided us with a classic example of how to present your Resource Proclamation in a dynamic fashion with a recent letter of theirs.
The first paragraph discussed the recent increase in postage rates from $.34 to $.37. To help us easily adjust to this change, they enclosed several 3 cent stamps. Then came the payoff – “We enjoy being helpful. At Coldwell Banker we offer more services than any other company”. Then they list the various services and request that you call them should you need their assistance. And, of course, provide them with referrals.
Their Resource Proclamation is about making life easier when it comes to buying or selling a home. They made it memorable by providing assistance through 3 cent stamps. How many of you still have the old 34 cent stamps that are useless by themselves. And, if you didn’t need the 3-cent stamps, chances are you will remember their letter and keep them in mind for when you or someone you know is ready to buy or sell a home.
Great job Denise and Gary Stewart! You are indeed an invaluable resource to all of us.
Posted in Leadership