Roy Putrino

Published on November 2, 2002

Roy Putrino
President-Owner, Basic Home Health Care

Insurance companies want patients out of the hospitals as fast as possible to reduce costs. Patients would rather recuperate at home than in a hospital. Hospitals want their beds back for the patients waiting in the ER. These three dynamics are the winning formula behind the success of Basic Home Health Care.

Basic Home Health Care provides in-home nursing and is expanding rapidly. According to it’s founder, Roy Putrino, the underlying essence of their success is doing the little things right.

For example, insurance companies want home health care agencies to reduce the amount of time it takes to intake a new case. Basic Home Health Care has gotten this process down to a manageable 10 minutes or less.

Unlike competitors who have regional offices, Basic Home Health Care has established local offices so they can establish tight relationships with the local hospitals. This translates into a team effort that generates a higher level of care for the patient.

These two scenarios are classic examples of giving your customers what they need the way they want it. In a period where health care dollars have dried up, is there any wonder why Basic Home Health Care is one of the very few players in this industry that is thriving?

Congratulations to Roy Putrino and Basic Home Health Care, our Titan Profile of the Month. They are living proof that any organization can make it happen in any market, if they are willing to do the little things that count.

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