Forget New Years Resolutions

Published on December 2, 2003

So, we are entering a new year. You figure now is the time to stop smoking, lose weight, sell more, save more, smile more, be more positive, etc. Do us all a favor and stop this nonsense. The beginning of a new year is a convenient opportunity for all of us to take stock of our lives and verbally commit to doing something different. Thus we shout out our New Years Resolution.

Now, be honest. How many New Year’s Resolutions have you made and how many of these actually happened? I’ll answer this for you, very few, if any. Now why is that?

A New Year’s Resolution without commitment is simply an empty promise. A New Year’s Resolution without personal accountability of making it happen is setting you up for failure. A New Year’s Resolution is also an opportunity of selling yourself short. Let’s face it. If you recognized in October that something different needs to be done in your life, why wait to New Year’s Day to start the implementation? Obviously it was not that important to you to start immediately. So, why do you now think you are going to start this amazing process on Jan 1?

There is ONE New Year’s Resolution I do believe in and urge all of you to undertake. Yes, I have dwindled down all of life’s issues to one resolution and if you really take this on, you will achieve exponential success. Here is your one and only New Year’s Resolution:

The moment you recognize an issue that needs to be addressed to achieve a goal in life, immediately identify the required actions and hold yourself accountable to carrying out those actions.

That’s it! This is the only New Year’s Resolution you need. Carry this one out on a daily basis and everything else will fall into place for you. You would make Maurice Bendahan proud to see you will be living your life to its fullest potential and exhausting yourself practicing youth.

Happy New Year!!!!

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