Poker Anyone?
Published on September 17, 2007
Do you know when to hold ‘Em and when to fold ‘Em? Poker players of all skill levels are flocking to Poker Boot Camps to make sure they have the upper hand when they are gambling with their hard earned money. These 2-3 day boot camps are held in groups of 60 or less by two academies, including one run by the World Series of Poker. The cost ranges from $1,695 to $4,300.
What does this have to do with you? Everything! Like poker players, you are playing with your earnings when it comes to sales. You need to stay on top of your game and make sure you take advantage of every move possible to beat out the competition. You want to make sure you are the one taking the chips off the table.
Whether you have been in sales a long time and simply want to hone your skills or you want to acquire new skills, come to the Titan Sales Boot Camp . It is cheaper than a poker boot camp And it produces results faster, helps you make more money and is less risky. A few seats remain for our last Titan Sales Boot Camp in 2007 – Oct 29/30. Sign up today !!!
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