Become #1 and Stay #1 in a Tough Sales Market!!!

Published on August 22, 2008

Earlier this month, I had the pleasure of introducing Steve Forbes at the 2008 National Speakers Association Convention in NYC. Putting politics aside, he emotionally grabbed everyone when he proclaimed this is not all doom and gloom. There is business out there, things will turn and hang in there.

I don’t know about you, but I am tired of hearing about all the gloom and doom of the economy. Yes, business is down! Yes, people are buying less! Yes, it is harder to make a sale in some markets! But remember, people are still buying!!!

There are simple strategies for how you can be the top producing sales person in your market today and in the future. It has more to do with the conversations you are having vs. your products.

Hi, my name is Ron Karr. We are taking our highly acclaimed Titan Sales Boot Camp and tweaking it so you too can generate great sales results in a tough market. Think about it, even with business being slow, people are still buying. The question is how do you get them to buy from you? Doing what you have done in a great economy will not work for you here. Phones are not ringing, orders are not flying in. But remember, people are still buying!!!

Join on us on October 20/21 and see how The Titan Principle® Selling Methodology will help you generate tremendous results, both in today’s tough market and in years to come.

This is risk free! We know your resources are tight. Sign up now and if for some reason you are not happy with the program the first day, see me by 5pm on the first day and he will refund all of your money. No questions asked! Why the first day? Simple! You need to see value immediately. If you don’t, why would you stay for a second day?

We are putting our money where our mouth is. Why? For one, you demand it. Secondly, we have generated over half a billion dollars in revenues for our clients. This process works! Lastly, we enjoy repeat business from over 85% of our clients.

This means we produce resul ts. Our clients are happy and they come back for more. Want testimonials, click here!

Don’t lose this chance to learn what corporations have paid tens of thousands of dollars. This is your last chance this year for a nominal investment to learn how to excel in sales during these challenging times.

But listen, seats are truly limited! I know, you think this is a sales gimmick. It is not!!! The reason seats are truly limited is because this program is highly interactive. Everyone gets personalized attention from yours truly. This means you walk out at the end armed with customized solutions to your issues. How cool is that? You will not be sitting with 400 + people. You won’t be sitting with 200+ people. This is not that type of program. Seats are limited for this one reason only. Sign Up Now!!!

The Date is Oct 20/21. The city is Houston, TX. The question is: Are you in or out?
Here’s a quote of mine you can use – “Sales is for the believers, not the naysayers”. Remember, people are still buying!!!! They might as well be buying from you. Take the first step and please join us. You won’t regret it.

Happy Labor Day!!!


Ron Karr and The Believers at Karr Associates, Inc!!!

P.S. – If you want to speak with directly on how this program will help you, call me at 201.666.7599. I am in the office through next week working on my new book which will be released by John Wiley & Sons next March. Keeping reading the Titan E Report to hear more about this exciting new book in the coming months!!!! SSSH – I will whisper the title just for you, ready? Lead, Sell or Get Out of the Way!!! It will rock your world!

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