How Many Times do You Get Up to Succeed?
Published on January 23, 2012
Eli Manning yesterday showed the nation the real warrior he is with his performance in leading the NY Giants to the Super Bowl!
He got pushed, pounded and slammed to the ground 20 times in the game! Several times he got up a little shaken. One picture showed him completely disheveled with his shoulder pads hanging out and grass hanging from all sides of his helmet.
Sound familiar. This is the story of life. All of our lives! There is not one successful person who never got pushed around or slammed to the ground. Question is how committed are you to the goal and are you willing to keep getting up and going after it. This is what is required to succeed and be at the top of your game.
We don’t get penalized for our failures. We get rewarded for our successes. If you fail, you don’t lose anything because you didn’t have it to begin with. If you win, you bask in the glory and soak up all the riches the victory has in store for you.
But are you willing to keep getting back up even in the face of adversity? Are you willing to get back up when you don’t feel like it? Are you willing to get back up when the situation looks bleak?
If you just got slammed to the ground, the situation looks bleak. If you get slammed to the ground 20 times in a game, the odds of winning start to erode. But that’s only if you let it. Eli never took each hit to the ground as a symbol that he would not succeed.
Eli believed, was committed and was willing to get up as many times as it takes to get to the desired end result.
Are you willing to get up as many times as it takes to reach your goal? Nothing else is possible until you operate from this mindset. Ask Eli Manning, Coach Tom Coughlin and all the Giants Players.
One last point! As a leader, you better be willing to get up as many times as it takes. This is what your team is looking and they take their cues from their leaders.