Impacting Customer Buying Habits

Published on May 16, 2016

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As a Motivational SpeakerSales and Leadership Expert, I am often asked to consult with clients on a huge issue:  How do you change customers buying habits?

Customers tend to have defined buying habits and pre-defined perceptions of the role a vendor can play for them.  Often, vendors can do a lot more than the customers think but are never given the chance. In some cases, vendor offerings are often commoditized when they shouldn’t be.  Question is how can you create enough Impact to take control, avoid being commoditized and change the buyer’s habits to fit your value proposition.

In this short podcast, we will take you through a real life case study in which I helped Impact a client’s relationship with their biggest customer from being perceived as a commodity offering to a vendor thought of as critical to their success.  This transformation motivated the customer to move from the traditional bid process to a negotiated agreement.  Now that’s Impact! The resulting agreement was a ground breaking change on how that customer purchases that category of product.  BUT it all started with my client changing the way they approached their customer.

How did they dramatically Impact and change their customer’s buying habits?  They followed these three rules:

  1. Don’t settle for established buying habits – write down the deal you desire
  2. Create vs. Compete – avoid being a me – too offering. Look for gaps to create different results
  3. Take ownership as the vendor that your destiny is in your control

Listen Now To The Full Story And See How You Can Create Significant Impact to Change Your Customer Buying Habits…..

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