
Why is Empathy Such a Key Aspect of the Velocity Mindset?

By John Lusher | May 25, 2021 |

Why is empathy such a key aspect of the Velocity Mindset? And why is it so important for a successful leader to have empathy? In her new video, Communication Speaker and Trainer Tanis Roeder shares what she learned about empathy and leadership from “The Velocity Mindset” book. The message is part of Tanis’ mission to…


Why is Empathy Such a Key Aspect of the Velocity Mindset?

By John Lusher / May 25, 2021 /

Why is empathy such a key aspect of the Velocity Mindset? And why is it so important for a successful leader to have empathy? In her new video, Communication Speaker and Trainer Tanis Roeder shares what she learned about empathy and leadership from “The Velocity Mindset” book. The message is part of Tanis’ mission to…

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