A Smile is Time's Best Selling Tool

Yesterday I walked into the hardware store to buy something and as I was standing on line at the checkout counter, I noticed how the clocks for sale hanging on the wall were all set to the time of 10:10am. I was amazed they all had the same time and asked the clerk how that was possible.  She did not understand the question and started telling me the correct time was 3:00pm.  A gentleman standing behind me said that is...

Eliminate Procrastination Now and Forever

Ever have to write a proposal and get stuck with the enormity of the situation, especially when your head is not into it?  Or, do you shy away from prospecting because it simply is not something you cherish to do and therefore you procrastinate to avoid this distasteful activity? Brian Tracy in his book Eat That Frog talks about the five reasons we avoid doing things:   Too Big Too Complicated We Don’t Know How We Don’t Want To No...

Stop Proposing and Start Selling

If you really want to sell more in less time, stop wasting your time on writing proposals that are unqualified and unnecessary. A proposal should be a summary of the agreed upon issues that need to be resolved with proposed deliverables and investment figures.  Understand the key words here are AGREED UPON. How much time does it take you to write a proposal?  I have seen cases where it may take from 15 minutes to as much as a few days...

Using Golf to Increase Sales, Revenues and Success

With Spring finally here, professionals are dusting off their clubs. Did you know, the game of golf provides a lesson on how all of us can become more successful? In golf, the person with the lowest score wins.  While you are competing with others, your performance is all that counts as compared to other sports.  In baseball, you are playing against others.  Will the defense catch your ball?  Will the pitcher strike you out?  Will someone hit a home run...

Discover the Golden Opportunities in Life

Discovering Golden Opportunities is all about listening for the hidden messages and signs in life. Check out the video below and then comment on examples you can provide on how you achieved greater success from finding the hidden messages and signs. https://youtu.be/vTgyVJXXBBk How many golden opportunities are you missing because you do not see the hidden messages and signs?  Pay attention and grab that golden opportunity NOW! To FIND OUT how to discover your golden opportunities, read the  CEO Bestselling Book...

Most Powerful Word Used to Influence Others

The most powerful word you can use to influence others is the word CONTEXT.  Context is not the word you should be using, but rather the strategy on how to influence others. What you have to say is not powerful.  The power comes from positioning your ideas and offers in the CONTEXT of what’s important to the listener.  This may sound like a minor point to you, but it is the GREATEST DISTINCTION of what separates the most influential people...

Want to Influence Others? Move to Creation From Need

Are you trying to make a sale because you need to? Are you trying to get a job because you need to? Are you trying to get your boss, friends, colleagues, students or anyone to do something because you need them to? If you answered yes to any of the above questions you are trying to influence others from a mindset of “lack”. In this mindset, you are trying to influence others from a position of weakness. (more…)

Get Your Customer to Say Yes to You in Stiff Competition

Are you dealing with declining sales revenues? Do you want to achieve customer growth? Do you want to improve your sales prospecting? Do you want to become more influential? Do you want customers to accept your pricing? If you answered yes to any of the above questions, then you need to get clear on the greatest myth in selling. (more…)

Two Ways to Build a Business

In building your business, whether you are a sales person, CEO, VP Sales, Entrepreneur, Provider of Professional, etc, you have two options. A) Start from scratch and spend lots to time and money in achieving your results, or B) Acquire the knowledge you need by learning from the mistakes of others and using proven techniques to shorten your ramp up. These two options are similar to what executives and CEO’s deal with in deciding on whether or not to bring...