
How to get your team onboard with your vision

By John Lusher | August 17, 2022 |

As a leader, you can only go so far through your own efforts. Leaders know they will go much farther through the efforts of others. That means they need to gain buy-in for their ideas. There is no organization or a leader who doesn’t have to tackle that question if they’ve got to make a…

The Science of Uncertainty: How to Actively Shape a Positive Future for You and Your Business

By John Lusher | June 24, 2021 |

Most of us wait until we have problems to crisis-manage out of them. But what if I told you that most of the problems that you will have a year from now are fully predictable and avoidable?  In this week’s Live Interview, my guest and Futurist Daniel Burrus revealed how to identify the soft and…


By John Lusher | November 24, 2020 |

You truly are living the Velocity Mindset when you can clearly visualize what success looks like to you. Visualization is about creating your destiny from scratch. You must put aside all your biases, fears and past experiences. But how do you do that in times of crisis? How do you get over the pain and…


How to get your team onboard with your vision

By John Lusher / August 17, 2022 /

As a leader, you can only go so far through your own efforts. Leaders know they will go much farther through the efforts of others. That means they need to gain buy-in for their ideas. There is no organization or a leader who doesn’t have to tackle that question if they’ve got to make a…

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The Science of Uncertainty: How to Actively Shape a Positive Future for You and Your Business

By John Lusher / June 24, 2021 /

Most of us wait until we have problems to crisis-manage out of them. But what if I told you that most of the problems that you will have a year from now are fully predictable and avoidable?  In this week’s Live Interview, my guest and Futurist Daniel Burrus revealed how to identify the soft and…

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By John Lusher / November 24, 2020 /

You truly are living the Velocity Mindset when you can clearly visualize what success looks like to you. Visualization is about creating your destiny from scratch. You must put aside all your biases, fears and past experiences. But how do you do that in times of crisis? How do you get over the pain and…

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