Contact Us Start a conversation with Ron Karr, C.S.P. Do you have any questions regarding our professional services, upcoming events, products or seminar information? Contact Ron today! Karr Associates, Inc. 623 Sealofts Drive Unit 102, Boynton Beach, FL 33426 (561) 336-4199 (201) 914-3895 Name*Email Address* Phone*Message*Disclaimer: Due to excessive spam, we are asking legitimate senders to answer these questions so we can eliminate the spam. Thank you for your assistance.What is the color of the grass?*PhoneThis field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged. Δ Ways to Start Applying The Velocity Mindset® Right away Monthly Tactics for CreatingMore Value While CuttingYour Sales Cycle Subscribe First Name * Email * Submit Read Articles from the Velocity Mindset® Blog READ