This online training program follows the same step-by-step approach used to transform hundreds of great sales executives into top producers. It's your secret weapon to sell more faster, increase revenues, expand market share, and exponentially increase profits.

This online training program shares how top companies implement Ron's strategies to hire, train, and mentor successful leaders. In fact, Ron has used these strategies himself to great effect, building several multi-million dollar businesses.

This bundle pack includes LEADING WITH VELOCITY AND SELLING WITH VELOCITY. Learn how to dramatically elevate your leaders, sales teams, and customers with the same methods successfully embraced by Agfa Medical, Hertz, Marriot, and Lincoln Financial.
Includes the BONUS: Titan Principle Audio
(Ron Karr LIVE!)
C-Suite Bestseller
With a world overflowing with followers, there's a plenty room for leaders producing real results. In his bestseller, Ron relates how great sellers lead relationship in the same way great leaders sell ideas. He tells how these leaders find new opportunities, create new levels of performance for their clients, and most importantly, sell, and take responsibility for transformative outcomes.
effectively influence others to accept your suggestions
Learn how to influence others to accept your suggestions. No matter how revolutionary your product or service, you'll leave money on the table without proper negotiation strategies.
if knowledge is power, get ready for the mental workout of your career!
Prepare to be informed, stretched, infused, bolstered, equipped and prepared like you never expected. Ron Karr, America's Business Development Expert, shares the secret to sales success that's not so secret: Customers will buy what they feel like buying.
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