Published on September 30, 2021
The Great Resignation is sweeping across the U.S., with 40% of Americans considering quitting their jobs, even if they don’t have another one lined up. As we go through the global pandemic, people are getting very clear on how they want to be treated and what they want their lives to be.
So what does it take to be a strong, effective leader in the post-pandemic world? How can you win the hearts and minds of your employees, hire the right people and build a high-performing sales team that can go out and serve your clients? And what are some of the best ways to support and enable your team members without micromanaging them?
This week, I invited Anthony Iannarino to address these questions LIVE as part of the Velocity Mindset Success Stories series.
The founder of B2B Sales Coach & Consultancy, Anthony is recognized as one of the foremost thought leaders on value creation. He is also a bestselling author, as recognized by Amazon and USA Today. His newest release is Eat Their Lunch – Winning Customers Away from Your Competition.
If you missed the live broadcast, be sure to watch the recorded version. You’ll never lead and manage your sales team the same way again!
#VelocityMindset #leadership #GreatResignation #CareerChange #WorkLifeBalance
Posted in Leadership, Sales, Velocity Mindset and tagged Leadership, Sales, Velocity Mindset