Month: July 2016

How To Get Your Prospects To Stop Ignoring You

By ronkarr.Admin | July 7, 2016 |

Neuroscience teaches us that there are two chemicals in the brain that sales execs, entrepreneurs, and influencers need to be cognizant of: cortisol (known as the stress chemical) and dopamine (known as the feel-good chemical). When we make a sales call to a prospect, we are received as an inconvenience, an interruption in the day.…


How To Get Your Prospects To Stop Ignoring You

By ronkarr.Admin / July 7, 2016 /

Neuroscience teaches us that there are two chemicals in the brain that sales execs, entrepreneurs, and influencers need to be cognizant of: cortisol (known as the stress chemical) and dopamine (known as the feel-good chemical). When we make a sales call to a prospect, we are received as an inconvenience, an interruption in the day.…

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