Month: September 2000

Henry J. Kaiser

By ronkarr.Admin | September 2, 2000 |

“Trouble is only opportunity in work clothes.” Henry J. Kaiser Translation: All of us are being paid to solve problems, identify potential obstacles and find solutions to the challenges facing our customers. So, you might as well roll up your sleeves and get to work. If you don’t, you competition will!

Rejection, Rejection, Rejection

By ronkarr.Admin | September 2, 2000 |

When you get rejected, how does it feel? No need for you to answer. Let me. It hurts, it stings, it devalues you, it de-motivates, it deflates you, it makes you want to stop and hide, and on and on. Now, how should you really feel when you are rejected? Hopefully your feeling will not…

Shopping, Anyone?

By ronkarr.Admin | September 2, 2000 |

It’s time for you to go shopping. But instead of going to the mall, shop your company. Haven’t you been frustrated when you called a vendor and their voice mail was too long creating undo aggravation on your part? Or how about when it takes what seems like an eternity to have a technical representative…


Henry J. Kaiser

By ronkarr.Admin / September 2, 2000 /

“Trouble is only opportunity in work clothes.” Henry J. Kaiser Translation: All of us are being paid to solve problems, identify potential obstacles and find solutions to the challenges facing our customers. So, you might as well roll up your sleeves and get to work. If you don’t, you competition will!

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Rejection, Rejection, Rejection

By ronkarr.Admin / September 2, 2000 /

When you get rejected, how does it feel? No need for you to answer. Let me. It hurts, it stings, it devalues you, it de-motivates, it deflates you, it makes you want to stop and hide, and on and on. Now, how should you really feel when you are rejected? Hopefully your feeling will not…

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Shopping, Anyone?

By ronkarr.Admin / September 2, 2000 /

It’s time for you to go shopping. But instead of going to the mall, shop your company. Haven’t you been frustrated when you called a vendor and their voice mail was too long creating undo aggravation on your part? Or how about when it takes what seems like an eternity to have a technical representative…

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