Month: January 2017

How to Impact Emerging Markets

By ronkarr.Admin | January 31, 2017 |

As a sales and leadership expert, I want to help you understand how to IMPACT emerging markets.

VIDEO: What Are The Three Critical Things a CEO Must Do On A Daily Basis

By ronkarr.Admin | January 26, 2017 |

As a sales and leadership expert I’ve learned there are three critical things a CEO must do on a daily basis:

To Sell More, What Should You Use – Scripts or Agendas…

By ronkarr.Admin | January 24, 2017 |

As a sales and leadership expert, I want to ask you a question critical to your business outcomes: Do you insist your that your sales people and customer service people rely on scripts or do they use agendas?

VIDEO: Marketing Successfully in Today's World

By ronkarr.Admin | January 19, 2017 |

As a sales and leadership expert, I see companies that struggle to succeed with marketing and the reason they fail is they’re not concentrating on the most important aspect. Truly successful marketing organizations capitalize on pull marketing….that pulls in leads and new customers for sales people to respond to. Today there are lots of free technology available that will help you enhance your pull marketing. Watch this video to learn more.

Expanding Influence: Hearing versus Listening

By ronkarr.Admin | January 17, 2017 |

As a sales and leadership expert, I want to take a look at the difference between listening and hearing, and the IMPACT true listening can have on your personal and professional relationships.

VIDEO: Outselling Your Competition

By ronkarr.Admin | January 12, 2017 |

As a sales and leadership expert, I have worked with sales executives that want to outsell their competition, but if you are still focusing on transactional conversations, you will never achieve this goal. It’s not about competing its about creating a better outcome. The only way to achieve this is to have an enterprise conversation versus a transactional conversation. Watch this video to learn how YOU can outsell your competition.

Getting Workers Off of Cell Phones

By ronkarr.Admin | January 10, 2017 |

As a sales and leadership expert, I often find that leaders and managers are focused on the symptoms, not the underlying condition. They obsess over common workplace problems, but underneath those problems is the issue of a lack of motivation.

VIDEO: Using Enterprise Conversations To Lessen The Impact Of Price

By ronkarr.Admin | January 5, 2017 |

As a sales and leadership expert, I have worked with sales executives on having  enterprise conversations with their customers.  Enterprise conversations go way beyond price.  The enterprise conversation is about how much money and time one will  save over the lifetime of a product.   It is about gaining better utilization, efficiency and overall results.  If you have the right enterprise conversation, the price of your product/service will often be the last thing you talk about.  Watch this video to see how to have an effective enterprise conversation.

How You CAN Easily Change People’s Reactions!

By ronkarr.Admin | January 3, 2017 |

As a sales and leadership expert, I have discovered that people often feel powerless over people’s reactions—and that is simply not the case! When we find ourselves stuck in the same place in our conversations, getting the same results, our first reaction is often to blame outside circumstances—the things beyond our control, which is usually the people we’re talking to. To turn the tables and IMPACT others who are critical to our success, we need to understand how to change the conversation to achieve better results. We need to embrace our ability to IMPACT the outcome.


How to Impact Emerging Markets

By ronkarr.Admin / January 31, 2017 /

As a sales and leadership expert, I want to help you understand how to IMPACT emerging markets.

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VIDEO: What Are The Three Critical Things a CEO Must Do On A Daily Basis

By ronkarr.Admin / January 26, 2017 /

As a sales and leadership expert I’ve learned there are three critical things a CEO must do on a daily basis:

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To Sell More, What Should You Use – Scripts or Agendas…

By ronkarr.Admin / January 24, 2017 /

As a sales and leadership expert, I want to ask you a question critical to your business outcomes: Do you insist your that your sales people and customer service people rely on scripts or do they use agendas?

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VIDEO: Marketing Successfully in Today's World

By ronkarr.Admin / January 19, 2017 /

As a sales and leadership expert, I see companies that struggle to succeed with marketing and the reason they fail is they’re not concentrating on the most important aspect. Truly successful marketing organizations capitalize on pull marketing….that pulls in leads and new customers for sales people to respond to. Today there are lots of free technology available that will help you enhance your pull marketing. Watch this video to learn more.

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Expanding Influence: Hearing versus Listening

By ronkarr.Admin / January 17, 2017 /

As a sales and leadership expert, I want to take a look at the difference between listening and hearing, and the IMPACT true listening can have on your personal and professional relationships.

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VIDEO: Outselling Your Competition

By ronkarr.Admin / January 12, 2017 /

As a sales and leadership expert, I have worked with sales executives that want to outsell their competition, but if you are still focusing on transactional conversations, you will never achieve this goal. It’s not about competing its about creating a better outcome. The only way to achieve this is to have an enterprise conversation versus a transactional conversation. Watch this video to learn how YOU can outsell your competition.

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Getting Workers Off of Cell Phones

By ronkarr.Admin / January 10, 2017 /

As a sales and leadership expert, I often find that leaders and managers are focused on the symptoms, not the underlying condition. They obsess over common workplace problems, but underneath those problems is the issue of a lack of motivation.

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VIDEO: Using Enterprise Conversations To Lessen The Impact Of Price

By ronkarr.Admin / January 5, 2017 /

As a sales and leadership expert, I have worked with sales executives on having  enterprise conversations with their customers.  Enterprise conversations go way beyond price.  The enterprise conversation is about how much money and time one will  save over the lifetime of a product.   It is about gaining better utilization, efficiency and overall results.  If you have the right enterprise conversation, the price of your product/service will often be the last thing you talk about.  Watch this video to see how to have an effective enterprise conversation.

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How You CAN Easily Change People’s Reactions!

By ronkarr.Admin / January 3, 2017 /

As a sales and leadership expert, I have discovered that people often feel powerless over people’s reactions—and that is simply not the case! When we find ourselves stuck in the same place in our conversations, getting the same results, our first reaction is often to blame outside circumstances—the things beyond our control, which is usually the people we’re talking to. To turn the tables and IMPACT others who are critical to our success, we need to understand how to change the conversation to achieve better results. We need to embrace our ability to IMPACT the outcome.

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