
Avoid Being Seduced by Empty Promises

By ronkarr.Admin | August 29, 2017 |

The act of seduction is not always about romance and sex; it happens in sales all the time. I remember going after a deal many years ago where the buyer was trying to seduce me into lowering my price in exchange for more business the following year. But guess what? I said no! I had fallen for…

To Make a Lot of Money, You Need to…..

By ronkarr.Admin | May 10, 2012 |

If you want to make a lot of money, you need to create vs. compete.  No matter what services or products you are selling, if you continue to compete against others your ability to make a lot of money is greatly diminished. In competition, the conversation usually turns to money and everyone gets commoditized.  Pressures…


Avoid Being Seduced by Empty Promises

By ronkarr.Admin / August 29, 2017 /

The act of seduction is not always about romance and sex; it happens in sales all the time. I remember going after a deal many years ago where the buyer was trying to seduce me into lowering my price in exchange for more business the following year. But guess what? I said no! I had fallen for…

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To Make a Lot of Money, You Need to…..

By ronkarr.Admin / May 10, 2012 /

If you want to make a lot of money, you need to create vs. compete.  No matter what services or products you are selling, if you continue to compete against others your ability to make a lot of money is greatly diminished. In competition, the conversation usually turns to money and everyone gets commoditized.  Pressures…

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